Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Quotes for life

 Let me tell you the story of my journey over the past 10 years. 

           The last 10 years of my life have been a drastic life change. I had been juggling between Singapore and Malaysia for work and traveling can be very draining, especially when you only get 3-4 hours of sleep a day. Eventually, I quit the job I was doing in Singapore and moved to Johor where I found a better office job from 7am to 3pm. 

        Sounds pretty cool, but it's not, because you have to answer at least 100 calls a day and deal with customers with different backgrounds or behaviors and that's where I learned to be patient and act according to the situation you face every day, especially in tricky situations. A few years later, one fine day, I stopped by MPH after work, and it was just window shopping, as I just love being around books, even though I have many books at home. While I was walking around, an autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi (the father of Nation) caught my eye and I just grabbed it. Ha-ha…It was not a fancy book, just a regular book, but something about the book made me want to buy it, so I grabbed it and then... the new me, the new -person- began.

  I finished reading the book and the one thing I can conclude from the book is the quote from Mahatma Gandhi: "Find purpose. The means will follow". This is the moment I realize what am I doing with my life without a purpose or goal. What will I want to do or be in the next 5 or 10 years?

        First and foremost, I need a purpose and a why. So, I asked myself what I wanted to become and how. The only thing I wanted was to be heard and recognized. The reason I say this is because without a background or platform, no one will look to you, or worse, you will be left alone to fight your own battle. And that's perfectly fine, you have to learn to fight your own battle alone and once you do that, you will be unstoppable in anything that comes your way. So, I had my purpose and my goals and I worked towards them and 10 years later I am where I wanted to be in every way today and my next goal is to have a double degree in 5 years.

        So have a goal and a vision for your goal and do not limit yourself for anything, break the unbreakable, set a new boundary, spread your wings and fly high in the sky. Be the Phoenix Bird.

        Also, I would like to recommend that you watch or read the book "Me Before You". It's just another series of love diaries, but the moral of the movie/book is no matter what is going on in your life, ups and downs, depression, anything negative thoughts. Just remember, "Just Live Well. Push Yourself. Do not Settle. Just Live

These two quotes mean more to me  in my life:

1. Find purpose. The means will follow- Mahatma Gandhi 

2. Push Yourself. Do not Settle. Just Live - Me Before You

1 comment:

  1. A simple quote has turned your struggles into great achievements. That's truly inspiring, Jashvini.
    You have indicated a good message that I believe many will transform their lives into something better.
    Believe in your goals and you will surely achieve them.


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              We should ask ourselves what is going on around us or what are concerning issues being faced by people around us. There are a ...