Sunday, September 26, 2021

Think of a contribution that you can provide to the society!

            We should ask ourselves what is going on around us or what are concerning issues being faced by people around us. There are a lot of social problems around us and in the world, we live in. Some are born with privileges and others without, which we can call by different names. Let us pause for a moment and ask ourselves what we can do for the society we live in and for the people in need. Regardless of where we live in the world, we are part of society. As members of society, we all have a responsibility to help others and improve the state of the community and the world in which we live. Pay attention to the people around us and try to find ways to address their needs. We can also do things that will benefit society in the long run, such as supporting the education of underprivileged children, supporting charities, donating blood, protecting the environment, and more.

Before I share what, I wish to contribute or how. Allow me to relate two heart-touching or should I say heart-wrenching events that have changed my life for the better. I have been part of Social Community Day since I was in high school, national camps, and in my daily life for almost 16 years, but nothing has changed my life like these two stories that touched my heart. One fine day, I happened to be going through social media and came across a (sensitive) video made by an NGO organization in the country.

Video 1: An old woman, maybe 50-60 years old, was standing on the side of the road selling rats for a living. When this group of people approached her to find out more. She told the sad story of her life. To make a long story short: Since they had no income and had been starving for days, they had no choice but to catch rats to eat and sold them to earn money.

Video 2: An old man was left on the side of the road next to a bench for weeks. His condition was extremely pathetic. When the NGO team arrived on the scene, they found him in a terrible condition. Ants were eating him alive and he had wounds all over his body, and he had not had food or water for days. It looked more like he would fight for his life until the end of his days.

I would love to share the video here, but due to extreme sensitivities, it has been removed by YOUTUBE itself. And I leave it to you all to imagine how heart-wrenching that would be. After watching both videos, I found myself in a depressing situation thinking about how lucky or grateful I am to have this life with a home and people around me, a roof over my head, and a decent job. I called the NGO to find out more about the people in the video and their problems and backgrounds. What saddened me was video 1 - all they need to survive for a month is RM30 (500 INR) for their monthly food and that's it. This hit me hard because the RM30 we would spend at the Mac Donald or any food stall just for one meal and if we could not finish it, we would throw it away or waste it where somewhere out there people are fighting for it. And Video 2 - as a living human being, no one should not suffer the same fate where hundreds or thousands of people pass by without doing anything or extending a helping hand. Here we have failed as a human without humanity. 

That's when I decided that whether in a small way or a big way, I should do something for society or people, especially the underprivileged. There are three things I have been doing for years, and I would like to continue that and expand my opportunities to contribute. 

 1st - Save the cost of my one meal and donate it to the family I adopted to help them with monthly grocery shopping. Give them a reason or motivation to fight for a better life or future for the children.

2nd - Donate your books to underprivileged students and share your knowledge or give them a basic education so that they can do the same for others when the time comes.

3rd – Blood Donation. I was inspired by one of the greatest footballers of all time, Cristiano Ronaldo (CR7), who refuses to get a tattoo so he can donate blood more often. We can make a difference by donating blood and each donation can benefit up to three people in emergencies for medical treatments. And I am proud to say I am a blood donor.

There are so many ways to contribute to our society and help the underprivileged. The contribution can be on a smaller or larger scale, but most importantly in a way that you feel comfortable with. The awareness should come from ourselves, our neighbors, and our society. Eventually, it will lead to a great group and create a peaceful environment and a beautiful country. The day when each one of us starts contributing our share to our society would be the biggest gain for humanity.

This was one of the events where we celebrated with God's children by cooking food and spending some time with them

A water pump on the side of the road. That was trying to help someone pump water. Believe me, this is one of the hardest things to do on any morning.

1 comment:

  1. Blessed are the hands which are able to help the needy ones. This is so inspiring, and we surely need more people to practice this. Eye-opening practices which remind helping one another is helping God.


Think of a contribution that you can provide to the society!

              We should ask ourselves what is going on around us or what are concerning issues being faced by people around us. There are a ...