Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Hey you, yes you!

Hey you, yes you!
To the wonderful person who is reading this post now, welcome to my page and I wish you all the happiness in the world.

This page is only for positivities and for the people I know.
It seems like life is always getting in the way in the sense that restrictions lurk everywhere; life is not enjoyable. We get hurt easily; we get disappointed easily. Life gets harder every day. Even when we try to get up, we tend to fall back because we think we are weak, hurt, and incapable of standing tall again. These feelings are indescribable, our hearts are literally ripped and torn; scars are engraved within seconds of our petty existence.

Time seems to pass faster than it fades; we are left in present looking back at the past wishing for something impossible. We wish for the past to be erased, to be changed; but the more you wish for it, the more you get hurt. It seems like there is too much wrong with all of our flaws, imperfections, and mistakes. They only add to the mess we already are. Our thoughts of endless despair and pain. Life is a mess, nothing good happens in it, and yin and yang do not exist for us, there is only bad, nothing good. That is when we tend to wonder if life is real, but in all honesty, only our broken hearts can answer such questions. 

People will tell you that you are not good enough and try to put you down. When that happens, remember this: not only are you good enough, but more than enough for yourself and the world ahead of you, as nothing else matters.

Just remember to live the life you want, bold, happy, and content. Just live well 💓.


  1. I strongly believe you have portrayed good ingredients in your words to awaken one's self-esteem, and it is worth to be applied in daily lives.


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